Southeast MS4 Permit Database
SESWA is pleased to offer it’s Southeast MS4 Permit database in cooperation with Clemson Cooperative Extension staff! It's an easily-accessible source of comparative information on stormwater permitting practices in the eight states that comprise EPA Region 4.
By broadening the capacity of stormwater professionals, SESWA’s core purpose is to improve surface water quality through the effective operation of stormwater management systems. SESWA accomplishes this by supporting stormwater professionals with focused education; research; information; and, regulatory agency monitoring. This project combines all of those approaches to provide a useful tool to communities in the Southeast.
The Database incorporates representative NPDES MS4 permits for each of the states in Region 4. The collection of this information has come from multiple sources. The database identifies the state agency that administers the NPDES stormwater program within each state; a sampling of Phase I and Phase II permits; web links where available for the identified permits; and, the section within the various permits where information related to control measures are found.
We hope you find the MS4 Permit Database to be a useful source of information! Your feedback is welcome; please send any comments and questions to [email protected].
 Clouds on a Lake Photo submitted by Clayton County Water Authority, GA